Dengan bervegetarian berarti anda telah memuliakan diri anda sendiri, memuliakan alam dan memuliakan semua makhluk hidup. Dengan bervegetarian membuat hidup lebih sehat, energik, panjang umur dan awet muda. Dinegara negara maju vegetarian telah menjadi suatu" trend " atau sudah menjadi gaya hidup.
Friday, December 2, 2011
Do You Feel Their Pain?
To tell you the truth, when our master said that our family could make the Vegetarian Vow after receiving the permission from Buddha Maitreya, I didn’t think much about it. In fact, I only knew that it was the right thing to do. However, it wasn’t until after I made the Vegetarian Vow that I started to understand the grand meaning behind the Vegetarian Vow.
I remembered once I accidentally burned my arm while doing an experiment at an Organic Chemistry Lab. Although it happened about five years ago, I can still remember the pain I endured in that few seconds. It hurt a lot not only at that moment but the pain had continued for more than a week. It was strange because it was the kind of pain that hurt from within, not only externally. It was only a small patch of skin, yet it felt like my entire forearm was in a painful burning sensation.
When I burned myself, I could sense that my skin was being cooked. It was scary because it reminded me of the exact smell when people barbequed meat. People in North America love barbeques. One may argue that animals wouldn’t have felt the slightest pain when we cook them because they are dead already. However, that is unreasonable because in order to get the meat, the animals must be slaughtered and go through a lot of pain whether we see it or not. That’s why the Vegetarian Vow is so precious, because we learn how to safeguard, love , and glorify all life forms. By being a vegetarian we show respect for our lives and the lives of others.
Let’s just pretend that it was us who were being slaughtered and killed in order to satisfy the appetite of people who sit around a dinner table. If we imagine how frightened and painful those animals must have felt, will we still be able to buy meat, or will we opt for vegetarian meals?
Actually, not eating meat is not the only way to protect, respect, and glorify lives; being thoughtful for others and saying caring words to others are also ways to protect, respect, and glorify lives. I think it is really important to speak gentle and caring words to others, because very often, our words hurt others whether intentionally or not. As others say, words can hurt or heal. Why don’t we say words that heal others’ soul? Only when everyone eats and speaks with compassion, our world will then become one harmonious family! Lives are too precious and we should treat others with respect, because the dignity of all lives is invaluable.
Glow- Canada
Joyful Vegetarianism
Currently, global warming is accelerating quickly and the average temperature of the earth continues to rise. The Arctic and Antarctic ice sheets melt faster than expected, causing sea levels to rise. Climate change and global warming contribute to higher incidences of rainstorms, flood, earthquakes, hurricanes, droughts, heat waves, and extreme cold. Most evidence has converged to the conclusion that it is time to change. If no changes are made, the entire human race, and the biosphere on earth will be in great peril.
To make changes, where do we start? Many studies showed that people can start from their diets, which is one of the most efficient and simplest ways, to address the global warming issue. There are various eating styles in the world; one that we advocate – “Maitreya vegetarianism” –balances our needs for rich nutrition, and at the same time helps reduce lifestyle diseases, pollution on earth, and environmental destruction. Our dietary choices, simple as they may seem, have the profound ability to bring peace and harmony to our body, mind, and spirit.
In addition, gratitude is expressed to Laomu, the Heavenly Mother, before every meal. During the meal, the food is chewed thoroughly and enjoyed mindfully, and attention is paid to the food and its nourishing quality: its scents, its texture, its source of harvest, and the amount of dedicated labor put into its cultivation. After the meal has fulfilled our physical needs, we continue to share the pleasant energies with people and our surroundings through kind-heartedness, gentle words, helpful acts, and friendly smiles.
We believe that the world is an interconnected web of existence, and our food forms a crucial fabric of this network. Conscious goodwill, such as choosing food that are less damaging to the earth, will hopefully guide the world back into a more stable axis. Through choices such as becoming vegetarian, we take part in restoring the wounded earth to a joyful garden of nature with its utmost goodness and beauty.
Helpless Cries
I became vegetarian when I was in my second year of university. I was taking a course about the food system and its connection with the land, resources, and the community. One day, the teacher showed a video about the truth of the meat industry to the class. My eyes were truly opened as I saw how cruel we humans are to animals. Pigs were shot in the head alive, calves were separated from the mother right after they were born, little male chicks were ground alive into meatballs, and so many other things that were unbelievable to me. I could hear the helpless cries of those animals as they were about to be killed. It’s a cry for help, a cry that’s telling us that they don’t want to die; they don’t deserve to die like that. At that moment, I finally realized that I couldn’t continue eating meat. Animals are just like us; they can feel sadness and fear, they want to survive, and be alive and free! I felt that I must also respect their lives – just the way I respect other people’s lives.
Liedia – Canada
Goodbye Meat, Hello Healthy Vegetarian Eating!
I’ve been a carnivore ever since I was little. As I grew up, my parents adopted a vegetarian diet, because the temple they attended promoted a healthier vegetarian diet for Maitreya Tao members. Since then, my mom would only cook vegetables at home. Even so, they did not restrict my sibling and me from eating meat outside of our home. They believed that we must choose the diet we want for our own future.
I have to say my mom’s cooking is good and is greatly appreciated by many relatives who love to eat nothing but meat. Every time they came to our house for gatherings, they were amazed by the variety of food choices that vegetarians enjoy!
As I got older and began to understand Maitreya Great Tao lectures, I learned that a vegetarian diet could really save animals and make our environment a better place to live! I started eating less and less meat whenever I dined out. I did not really recognize any difference in myself until one day some friends came to me and said, “Jamie, how is it that you look prettier and your body is not as chubby as before?” I didn’t know what to say, I had thought it was because of my transformation from a girl to a woman.
One day my mom took me to a morning market. It was an ordinary day and the market was full of people picking vegetables and buying meat. As Mom and I passed a meat shop, I almost puked when an awful smell floated into my nose. I turned and saw pools of blood on the ground and many dead chickens hanging upside down with their throats cut open and flies buzzing around them. It was a horrible scene! We passed some more fish shops and more meat shops, the smell was just too much for me to handle and my mom and I made a quick escape. After that, whenever I saw meat I would imagine the awful bloody smell surrounding me! I decided not to eat meat anymore!
Years later, my family immigrated to the beautiful country, Canada! We found interesting vegetables in the supermarkets! It was just so wonderful to see that the earth has provided us with a variety of food resources! One day at school, I attended my favorite computer class which was held after lunch. The main reason I loved this computer class was that my teacher was a handsome and charming person! His humor and cheerful personality were assets to his teaching! Everyone liked him a lot! Once we were assigned to move pictures on our computer. As I was having some difficulties with the task, I asked my teacher to help me. As soon as he sat down beside me and started talking, I almost stopped breathing. Not due to his charming appearance, but because of the horrible smell coming from his body and mouth! It was as if there was dead and rotten meat hanging around his body. I could barely pay attention, because I had to hold my breath till I turned blue! Another student came to ask him something, and both of them had the same meaty smell! At that moment, I recalled a lecture on vegetarianism given by a Tao member who spoke about how a meat-based diet tend to give an odor to the human body, while a vegetarian diet gave fewer odors to the human body.
Since then, I am a happy vegetarian. I am grateful that I’ve chosen the right diet for myself. I cannot say that I’m doing a lot for the world we live in, but I can proudly say that at least I live with good conscience. No lives are sacrificed because of my diet.
JCmile – Canada
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